Hydraverse IDO Whitelist on BinStarter

3 min readNov 23, 2021


BinStarter is very honored to have an opportunity to launch the IDO event for Hydraverse project. Hydraverse is a metaverse play-to-earn PVP dragon racing game that outpaces NFT games with high-advanced AR/VR features. Hydraverse ecosystem is a perfect combination of traditional racing games and NFT gaming together with the most trending metaverse experience. In Hydraverse, players not only get the chance to have fun with a unique gameplay experience, but are also able to earn simultaneously by the play-to-earn game model.

IDO Page: https://bsr.binstarter.io/ido/project/619c2eb06770f632e4a6ff99
Staking Link: https://bsr.binstarter.io/
Buy $BSR: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?outputCurrency=0xab287e6d370c61f105630e656b5468acb4d00423

Whitelist opened at: November 22nd, 2022, UTC 16:00
Whitelist closed at: March 8th, 2022 UTC 16:00
Whitelist result announced at: March 9th, 2022 UTC 14:00 UTC

IDO date: March 9th, 2022

  • Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation for pools 1 to 6 ): March 9th, 2022 UTC 16:00–19:00 )
  • Phase 2 (Gleam): March 9th, 2022 UTC 20:00- 21:00
  • Phase 3 (FCFS on remaining cap) March 9th, 2022 UTC 21:00 — sold out

Receiving Token Time: March 10th, 2022

Pool Details:

Token Type: BEP20
Token Ticker: HDV
Price per Token: $0.045
Total Allocation: $150,000
Vesting Schedule: 20% at TGE, 20% vesting each month throughout 4 months
Initial Market Cap: $430,990
Accepted Currency: $BUSD


Pool 1: Minimum 500 BSR Token = 1 Lottery Ticket ( Pool Weight 1x )
Pool 2: Minimum 2000 BSR Token = 1 Guaranteed Allocation ( Pool Weight 2x)
Pool 3: Minimum 4000 BSR Token = 1 Guaranteed Allocation ( Pool Weight 4x)
Pool 4: Minimum 8,000 BSR Token = 1 Guaranteed Allocation ( Pool Weight 8x)
Pool 5: Minimum 16,000 BSR Token = 1 Guaranteed Allocation ( Pool Weight 16x)
Pool 6: Minimum 32,000 BSR Token = 1 Guaranteed Allocation ( Pool Weight 32x)

Note: Depending on the number of applicants and pool multipliers, we may make adjustments to keep the balance of allocations per user


1) We will take daily snapshots of the pool to ensure qualification status
2) Allocations from different wallets cannot be combined
3) Must complete all steps below and stake BSR till sales date to qualify.

How to register for the whitelist?

Step 1: Buy $BSR and stake into staking pool until sales date to qualify for allocations
Step 2: Follow Hydraverse’s and BinStarter’s social channels below:
Step 3: Follow Twitter accounts: @Hydraverseio and @BinStarterio,
Step 4: Join Telegram community groups: @Hydraverse and @BinstarterOfficial
Step 5: Subscribe to telegram announcement channels:@HydraverseOfficial and @BinStarterAnnouncement.
Step 6: Like and retweet this tweet: https://twitter.com/BinStarterio/status/1495035830620065793 with hashtags #BinStarter #Hydraverse $HDV $BSR

Last Step: Just wait for the allocation announcement.

Hydraverse IDO Allocations Giveaway

15 Guaranteed allocations will be given out to the top 15 participants that accumulated the most points in the event. 85 Allocations will be given out randomly.

Step 1: Follow this link: https://gleam.io/g7D8e/binstarter-hydraverse-whitelist
Step 2: Complete All
Step 3: Copy Referral Link
Step 4: Share with friends and community

About BinStarter

BinStarter is a decentralized mining-style approval mechanism insurance protocol that is designed to examine projects according to certain criteria for 30 days and to protect liquidity providers against possible financial damages or any negativities.

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